Menulog is committed to protecting the health and safety of our customers, restaurant partners and independent couriers, which is why we’ve made all deliveries contact-free across the network.
What is contact-free delivery?
A “contact-free” delivery is a delivery where you do not directly come in contact with a customer when handing off the customer's order
How do I know if a customer would like a contact-free delivery?
At present, due to COVID-19, all food deliveries on the Menulog Network are contact-free and cash orders are suspended.
Check for special instructions posted by restaurants and customers in-app before picking up and delivering orders.
How do I complete a contact-free delivery?
Ensure you check the customer’s special delivery instructions to see if there is a designated drop off location for their order, then to ensure safe social distancing, we suggest the following steps:
- Alert the customer you are there by knocking, ringing the bell or other means
- Place the order at the door or specified location and step back a safe distance
- Make sure you sight the customer and they have collected the order before you leave
It is very important you make sure you let the customer know you have delivered the food so that meals are not left to get cold or inedible for people that are relying on delivery.
What about contact-free pickup at restaurants?
To ensure safe social distancing when collecting at restaurants, we suggest the following steps:
- Alert the restaurant to your arrival. In the event the restaurant is closed for dine-in or the doors are shut, please make yourself known / visible to staff
- Step back a safe distance from staff and wait for them to place the food on the counter or a table
- Step forward to collect the order and immediately place in your thermal bag
For more information read: Best Practices for Contact-free Delivery