You can check your current, and past earnings at any time by navigating to the ‘Earnings’ tab in the Courier App. A detailed breakdown of your earnings will continue to appear in-app once you’ve completed the offer and as an individual line item on your earnings statement.
A general earnings overview appears at the top of the screen, and you can view the breakdown for each day or order by tapping through the various options
You can also view and print your weekly earnings summary by logging into your Courier Portal and accessing the ‘Earnings’ page.
Here’s a breakdown of what items in your earnings statement mean:
- Transit pay: The amount you receive for your transit time and distance.
- Restaurant Delay Reimbursement: Restaurant hold reimbursements show up on your weekly pay statement but may not always appear in the app.
- Other general reimbursements and incentives are also included in your earnings statement. Earning statements are made available every Tuesday for the previous week and can be accessed in the Courier Portal.