Am I insured?
In Australia, every courier is covered by personal accident insurance when logged into the Menulog App, following accepting a Menulog delivery. Cover will cease at the earliest of 15 minutes following the completion of a Menulog delivery or if a courier or courier’s substitute undertakes any activity for remuneration unrelated to Menulog deliveries.
For more information and details on coverage, please download the Coverage Summary below.
Where can I find information on the Insurance Program?
The Coverage Summary provides an overview, while the Menulog Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy Wording and Group Policy Schedule have full details on coverage.
To make an insurance claim, please complete the Injury Claim Form. For support or assistance with claims you can reach the insurer on 1300 722 032 or by emailing A&
Insurance is issued and underwritten by Chubb Insurance Australia Limited ABN 23 001 642 020, AFSL No. 239687 (Chubb). Chubb only provides general advice and does not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Please read the Menulog Group Personal Accident Insurance Group Policy Wording to decide if this product is right for you.